Where have we been these past few years? Sheltered in our homes. Connected only through technology. Unable to meet in community, visit friends and family, shop in local stores. We have been disconnected from life and from the very thing that makes us human: Personal Connection. The future remains unknown and uncertain.
Something we know for sure is that we feel changed. Consider it is time to emerge from these past few years, and that now is the time for explorations. We ask, “What do we want to connect around?” “ What does community mean?” “Who have we become and who do we want to be?” What will we create from our weaving and exploring together?” And most importantly, “How do we as a community wish to emerge and re-connect with others in deeper, heart-centered ways?”
Reconnect-Today will be hosting Reconnect-Community, a conversation to explore these and more questions. Together we identify our shared goals and vision new horizons. Santa Fe is our city, and we want to keep it different, don’t we? Join the conversation.