New Post

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Keeping a Positive Attitude

Maintaining a positive attitude in this strange time can be a challenge.  Begin by waking up in the morning and affirming "I need not be perfect today."  See how that

Public Banking

Reconnect-Today is allying and collaborating with the Alliance for Local Prosperity to establish a Public Bank for New Mexico.  A Public Bank will support and strengthen our local place while

Compassionate Santa Fe

In March, 2018, the Santa Fe City Council passed a resolution to declare Santa Fe a Compassionate City, based upon The Charter for Compassion.

Local Food and Water

How do we choose to respond to the challenges of these times?  The road ahead is uncertain. We have more questions than we have answers.  What narrative do we wish
2018 Reconnect Cafe Government Policy Edition

2018 Reconnect Cafe Government Policy Edition

In October, 2017, The Economics of Happiness Conference – Santa Fe was held at the James A. Little Theater, hosted by Reconnect-Today and Local Futures. Reconnect-Today,, is a Santa